Lishi HU83 2in1 Decoder and Pick
Lishi HU83 2in1 Decoder and Pick is designed for PEUGEOT and CITROEN [2 Track Internal]
List of makes and models (for guidance only)
C4 (Picasso) 2006-2010, C5 2008-2011, C8 2002 onwards, Dispatch 2007 onwards & Jumpy 2007 onwards
Scudo 2007 onwards & Ulysse 2002-2011
TGA 2003-2008
207 2006 onwards, 208 2012 onwards, 307 2001-2009, 308 2006 onwards, 806 2002-2002, 807 2002-2002, 3008 2009 onwards, 5008 2009 onwards, Expert 2007 onwards & RCZ 2010 onwards
Lishi Tools (exactly speaking “Lishi 2in1 Decoder and Pick”) is the most effective way to unlock and decode vehicle locks whilst at the scene. The tools we supply are from the original manufacturer, ensuring quality and supply is guaranteed. There are currently more than 90 tools available. We can also be able to supply a complete kit of Lishi picks at a discounted price. Please contact us.
Mr. Li is designer, creator, inventor of all Lishi tools. Lishi Tools was formerly known as “Lishi” which was widely used on their products as a logo. Mr. Li had a partnership with an UK company named Tradelocks (aka. UAP Limited) to market his tools worldwide. Tradelocks is still selling Lishi tools with their trademark “Genuine Lishi”, but the two companies has no relationship at all, when their contract ended in 2014. And later, Mr. Li had a new logo which uses his own head as the trademark, and brand name changed from Lishi to Li Zhi Qin (Mr. Li’s name in Chinese), which is the three Chinese characters stands for, but it’s still known as Lishi all over the world except China.